Canon John was born and raised in Mifflin County, PA, just south of Penn State University, Main Campus. Raised in the Anglo-Catholic tradition at St. Mark’s, Lewistown, he also enjoyed spending Sunday evenings with his friends at Mennonite Pray and Praise services providing a good evangelical footing. After graduating from Grove City College with a dual major of Business Administration and Religion, Canon John moved to Warren, Ohio where he met his wife Mary Beth (Jewell) in the church kitchen of Christ Episcopal Church while trying to keep 320 or so teenagers fed at a Diocese of Ohio Youth Convention. Unlike St. Mark’s, a small, country, high church parish, Christ Church was a larger (ASA 300), mid-sized town, low-church. Two short years later they were married in that same church and spent many happy years serving the Lord together from that place. The first few years were tough as Canon John continued his education at Youngstown State University graduating with a BE in Industrial Engineering. The next 13 years were spent working for Drake Manufacturing Co., a small machine-tool company based in Warren, however selling machinery world-wide. The last five years with the company saw Canon John as the Marketing and Sales Manager and rarely saw him in Warren as his travels took him many places around the globe.
In 2003, he finally heeded God’s call on his life and he and Mary Beth moved to Ambridge, Pa in order to attend Trinity School for Ministry. In June of 2006, Canon John was ordained to the Diaconate by then Bishop Robert W. Duncan in Trinity Cathedral, Pittsburgh, and the very place where his parents had married and where he was baptized and his grandmother had been a faithful member for well over 75 years. After serving as Director of Missions for the Anglican Communion Network, which again saw Canon John traveling to the ends of the earth, and as vicar of All Saints Church, Brighton Heights, Pittsburgh, Pa, Canon John accepted the call to St. Peter’s Parish, Uniontown, in December 2007. In February 2017, Archbishop Foley Beach named John Provincial Canon for Southeast Asia.
Twelve years after accepting his call to St. Peter’s, Uniontown, Canon John now finds himself back at St. Mark’s, however, this time in Arlington, Texas, bringing him back, once again, full circle but maybe on a different plain. God is Good, All the Time!